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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 31, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: matthew west, we needed to hear that a message,. don't stop praying. joey: we've got our easter baskets. pete: happy easter, everybody. rachel: we've been celebrating it for 2,000 years no matter what the white house says. ♪ ♪ jason: happy easter, everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm jason chaffetz in for maria bartiromo. today, putting pressure on president biden to stop his border crisis and holding accountable the man biden
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appointed to enforce his policies. more republican states like iowa, indiana and nebraska are sending national guard soldiers and state police officers to texas while house speaker mike johnson meets with the texas governor, greg abbott, about a passing border security legislation. speaker johnson also promises to send impeachment article as against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate next week. we'll talk about all of this and more with senator marisa shah black burn who just -- marsha blackburn who just visited the border at eagle pass, texas. then, is our military ready for our top adversaries around the world? former national security adviser robert o'brien has a peace through strength plan, and he's here to talk about it. then, president biden says he'll visit baltimore later this week to witness the cleanup after the deadly chant of the francis scott key -- collapse of the
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fran the sis scott key bridge. the president wasting no time saying the federal government will pay the bill to rebuild. >> it's my intention that the federal government are pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge. and i expect the congress to support my effort. >> reporter: you said e the federal government's also going to pay for the repairs, and i'm curious. this was a ship that appeared to be at fault. there any reason to believe the company behind this ship concern. >> we're not going to wait for that to happen. we're going to pay to get the bridge rebuilt and open. jason: once again president biden wants to spend the money now and ask questions later. when with we should ask why doesn't his $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill cover this? and when will washington set up an emergency fund for disasters like these in the future? we'll discuss with house energy and commerce committee member congressman buddy carter. and the house oversight committee is giving president biden a chance to defend his
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claims about hunter and his family's business dealings while the white house laughs off some serious allegations. finish breitbart's emma-jo morris is here on where that impeachment inquiry dose next. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ jason: we begin with bind's border crisis. former president donald trump says he'll focus on the crisis during a campaign top on tuesday in michigan. meantime, "politico" recently pointing out that,s quote, biden was planning executive action on the border, now he's gone silent. senator marisa shah black burn visited -- marsha blackburn visited eagle pass, texas, just a few days agoing, and and she joins us now. senator, happy easter. thanks so much for joining us. there's nothing the like being on the ground, talking to the border patrol, seeing what's going on there.
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what did you leave with? what was your impression and and what did you see? >> yes, jason, and happy easter to you also. and when i was in texas, i was with the texas dp if s -- dps, also brandon judd, head of the union, border patrol union, met me down there. and in eagle pass a year ago when i was there, they were processing people, having people come by the thousands every day. and now because they put buoys in the river, containers at the water 's edge, fencing and razor wire, they're down to about a dozen people a day. and they're very supportive of my container or act which gives state and local are governments the authority to defend themselves when the federal government does not and to put up these temporary barriers. if i think it's so instructive. i'm glad speaker johnson met
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with governor abbott this week because texas is spending billions of dollars. the counties on the border down there are spending millions of dollars, and local ranchers and farmers that i met with are spending tens of thousands of dollars to protect their private property from being overrun by people illegally entering the country. jason: yeah, these people literally come by the millions. now, president obrador of mexico has said is, hey, united states, give us $20 billion a year, and we'll help curb the flow. that -- are you as offended by that as i am? oh, for $20 billion we'll help do the job that the united states should be doing? i don't understand it. >> yes. and when you look at obrador and his aggressiveness in his comments to president biden, we know for a fact he would never
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if have conducted himself that way with president donald trump. and we know that basically he is threatening the u.s. and saying, hey, send us the money or the my grants -- migrants are going to keep coming. now, what we do know is that joe biden is out here trying to sue the state of texas for putting up barriers, and donald trump would be sending reinforcements. and as a you said in the in your opening, you've got national guard from six different states that are in texas right now helping texas to defend themselves from these illegal aliens who are crossing into the state and thereby moving into the country. and, jason, i want to tell you something, this is the number one issue with the american people. doesn't matter where i go. and and every tennessean i talk
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to, the border being open is issue number one. people see it, they see it in the drugs coming to their communities, into the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, the labor gangs. every town's a border state -- border town. every state a border state because of joe biden's open border policy. and when obrador makes statements like this of, hey, give us the money or the migrants are going to come, joe biden should stand the up and defend this country and close that border. he refuses to do it. jason: now, the house impeached secretary mayorkas. speaker johnson said next week they man to send those articles of -- plan to send those articles of impeachment to the senate. what happens then, senator? >> yes. and on wednesday we expect them to come to us. we will receive the articles.
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we will be sworn in, each senator is sworn in, into the court of impeachment. now, here's where it gets tricky. we should move forward at that point with the impeach ifment trial -- impeachment trial or a committee of impeachment. but what we're hearing is for the first time ever many our nation's history chuck schumer is wanting to table the impeachment articles. every american should be incensed by this. issue number one, we have nearly 10 million illegal aliens that have come into this country on joe biden's watch. alejandro mayorkas has lied to congress, he has repeatedly said that the border is closed, it is not. he is doing joe biden's bidding on this. every single state is affected by this. he should stand for his
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impeachment trial as a instructed by the constitution of the united states. jays jays there was word that president biden was going to issue i executive orders. now, he issued nearly a hundred to take down the policies of president trump. he could, with the stroke of his pen, reverse those or do things to help secure the border. but, senator, it's gone silent, as "politico" is reporting. >> yes, indeed. he did 94 executive orders in the first 100 days x. you're exactly right, stroke of the pen he could reverse every single one of those. he could go back to remain in mexico. he could go back to dealing with some of these foreign entities. he could be working with obrador instead of obrador being so emboldened he's threatening biden. so we don't know what he is going to do. but as i said, we do know this is issue number one for the american people, and and they want to see some action.
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so, jason, it is going to be a very interesting week for people to watch what happens not only in the house, but in the senate. and, you know, the senate should move and talk up h.r. 2, the house border security bill which, by the way, has been sitting in the u.s. senate since may of 20 '23 -- '23, waiting for action. jason: senator, i do need to get your comment today being easter, president biden has designated this this transgender day of visibility. what's your take on that? >> you know, jason, i think everyone should be insulted by this. the intentional nature of this. east aer is -- easter is a religious holiday. it is such a sacred day where with we all meet at the cross. and for this white house to
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declare it, to issue a problem a la mawtion for -- proclamation for trans. gender visibility day and then at the same time to deny the use with of religious symbols in the white house easter egg art competition, think about that one. they are insulting every christian who holds this day as a sacred day. jason: senator parr shah black burn -- marsha blackburn of the great state of tennessee, thank you so much for joining us. happy easter on this day, thank you so much for join us. >> you got it. jason: all right. coming up next, the biden administration under fire for not putting the united states in a position of strength existence china. against china. even as the united states looks to team up with japan to combat the threat. former national security adviser, ambassador robert o'brien, is here on what the united states needs to do to put a stop to the danger that beijing pose toes to the united states. poses to the united states.
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maria: we are try toking to connect the dots here to the national security threat. we talk about and focus op on national security largely on this program. i know you're doing a whole of government investigation into
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the response to the aggression coming out of communist china. i'm wondering what joe biden did the actually get paid, if this story is true, and if, in fact, he's made policy decisions in response to accepting money from places like communist china. is that sport of your investigation? if -- part of your investigation? >> china's our biggest threat, there's no question about that. i think even liberal democrats would admit to that. not only are they a national security threat, they're stealing our intellectual property, our pat if tents, all of our research and development that american companies invest trillions of dollars in. china's stealing that. joe biden is not tough on china. swais. jason: jace house oversight committee chairman james comer with a strong warning on china and how the biden administration is handling the threat from beijing. this came -- this comes as a recent commission on defense procurement shows that the united states is not in a position to deter china
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especially especially while also facing potential threats from russia, iran and north korea. former or national security advisor, ambassador robert o'brien with, writes about this and more in his recent national interest op-ed, account closing the defense capabilities gap. " and he joins me now. ambassador, thank so much for joining us. look, you were the national security adviser for president trump. the threat from china is unparalleled, but are we able as the united states to defend ourselves and fight on multiple fronts? >> well, jace, good morning. -- jason, good morning. it's getting tougher. the chinese have are the biggest army in the world, the biggest navy in the world. they've upped their defense spending this year by 7.8% notwithstanding the financial crisis they're in. so they're serious about it. they're not building this military machine to defend themselves, they're building it to invade taiwan, and now we see them in the philippines, a
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treaty ally of america, a longtime ally for a-hundred years of the united states, and they're stealing islands in the south china sea from the fill peens and kicking fishermen who rely on that area to fish, they're kicking them out. and what are we doing, jason? in the trump administration we had a plan for a 365-ship navy. that's never going to happen under the biden administration. defense spending's gone up 1 president. but keep in mind that increase is type toed out by inflation -- wiped out by inflation, so we're actually cutting defend spending because of the innation we're facing. and on the navy front, for example, we're going to retire 19 ships this year and only add 9 new ones. some of those ships that we're retiring are as young as a 5 years old. so we're facing a real problem in deterring china, and we're not supporting our fighting member and women in the navy and armed forces to be able to defend us. jason: yeah, you've pointed out in the past that under president reagan we had some 600 ships,
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but now we're less than 3550 currently -- 350 currently, correct? >> our goal is 365, but today we're about 288, and it's getting smaller or. so we're going the wrong direction in a big way. the chinese now have the largest navy in the world, well over 3000 ships, close to 350 -- 300 ships. our naval ships, i take our sailors over chinese sailors any day of the week, but at some point quantity has a quality of its own, and if they're putting 3 to 1 ships against us, that's a lot to ask of our sailors, to defend that and the fight and win in that environment. jason: i want to turn your attention to an article that appearedded on we had a chinese national who evidently came across the border illegally who tried to get onto a military base, a marine base in 29 palms, california. i've been to that area.
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you don't accidentally turn off, you're looking if the in-n-out burger and you turn left, you know? this is a serious incursion, and it's happened more than a hundred times. what's going on here, and what should we be doing about it? >> well, you're right, jason. twenty-nine palms is way out in the desert, it's not a wrong urn to get there. you go there intentionally. the chinese have been doing this for years. they use their spies to drive into the military bases to test our readiness and security because they're planning for a future actions against us, basically a war. and this is planning and preparation. we need to arrest these chinese spies and instead we give them a slap on the wrist and the doj doesn't do anything about it. we need to use them as chips because the chinese are currently holding 30-40 american under exit bans and basically totaling them prisoner in china. we've got to the give your diplomats, our hostage envoy, we need to give them some chips to deal with the chinese to get our
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people home. no better way than to get these spy ises that are going on our military bases, arrest them, put them in jail and trade them if we need to. jason: yeah. this has happened more than a hundred times. i'd love to know how many times the department of justice has actually held or prosecuted somebody rather than just pat 'em on the butt and let 'em go out the door. what would happen if an american tried to do this on a chinese military base in china? >> we'd never hear from them again. [laughter] jason: that's exactly right. that's exactly right. one of the other things that the chinese are doing is in cyberspace, and, you know, i look at the situation where the department of justice is now going after apple. meanwhile, huawei is notorious for things that they're doing. explain that situation and why the department of justice maybe isn't quite focused on with where this should be. >> well, what a way's a 5g -- huawei's a 5g network and phone manufacturer that uses their
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ability to, their phones to scoop is up all the data of the people that use them x. that's why we basically fought a battle against huawei to keep huawei out of the 5g space of our allies and and ourselves to protect our national security and intelligence. and now huawei's -- we sanctioned chips to huawei, but they're now getting the chips, they've got record profits. instead of going after a huawei or tiktok or bytedance which is also hoovering up american data, the doj has just filed a political lawsuit against apple, the great american company that a integrates hardware and software so that americans can avoid the hackers and and spyware. if you've got an apple phone, or you rarely get a virus because it's so well designed, so well integrated, the hardware and software work so well together, but the doj is now coming after apple and telling apple to open up their code to the chinese and russian app a makers so they can get their spyware. t like alice lis in wonderland are, we're going down a rabbit
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hole here where the doj is going after a great american companies. doesn't make any sense, jason. jason: ambassador, look, you were the national security adviser for president trump. we have illegal immigration problem that's untenable, we have chinese coming in by the tens of thousands. but we also have some lawlessness on the streets. i mean, you add this situation in new york where you have somebody who evidently, the allegation is 21 arrests but out on the street, and then you have a new york city police officer who's gunned down, officer jonathan diller. he's got a 1-year-old son, a beautiful wife, beautiful family. but the difference and the contrast from how president trump handled that and is how president biden handled that, i wanted to get your thoughts and perspective on that as well. >> well, i watched president trump go to the wake, and i was so proud of him for doing that. and he represented americans, the the add other administration
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didn't have the time to go. it reminded me of the many trips we took to dover air force base to welcome home, sadly, the remains of our fallen soldiers and president trump was so great with the families. i was happy to see him go to the wake for officer diller. and, you know, it's easter time, jace, and for those of us who are believers, i know you are -- happy easter to you, julie and the family -- but i hope this message of easter gets through to the diller family. what a beautiful young family. and all the other people who are looking for hope and solace during this season. i hope it's a great easter and they're comforted and find some measure of comfort and that they're buoyed up by the easter message that we're celebrating today. jason: yeah. i do think this election's going to be about security. security in your wallet, security in your neighborhood and your home, security on the border and the security overseas. that's just my take on it.
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former national security adviser, ambassador robert o'brien, again, happy easter and thank you for joining us on "sunday morning futures." 9. all right, coming up, the latest on the deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. president biden vowing to have the federal government pay to rebuild it, but some republicans are saying, not so fast. especially after the billions with spent on the 2021 infrastructure bill and the recent government spending bill. georgia congressman buddy carter is here with what he believes the federal government how old do to help rebuild that -- should do to help rebuild that bridge if many baltimore. it's coming up next. ♪ if s. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity
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weekends are better with life proof coolers that keep ice for days and have fridge-temperature drawers for dry foods, because everything is better without soggy sandwiches. it's better outside with ninja. maria: the president said he's planning to travel to baltimore as quickly as he can and pledging the federal government will pay for everything. >> i do agree e that the bridge is a national interest and we
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do, as a nation, have a need to replace that bridge. and and it may be a justified use of federal money. but, listen, maria, we don't media new supplementallal for this bridge. we are awash in infrastructure money from the president's infrastructure bill this many 2021. -- in 2021. huge amount as of money that congress has appropriated. we should repurpose and divert some of that money. jason: a deadly tragedy in baltimore last week, unfortunately. the francis francis scott key bridge collapsed after a cargo ship hit a support pillar tuesday. now there is talk of the federal government paying 100% to rebuild the bridge including from president biden who vowed it would cover the cost in totality. however, some on the right saying, no. after a recent approval of the government's spending bill, and why exactly isn't is money from the 2021 infrastructure bill
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being repurposed for this cause? let's bring in georgia congressman buddy carter. he sits on the house energy and commerce if committee and the house budget committee. i had the pleasure and honor of serving with him when i was in congress once upon a time. congressman, thanks for joining us on this easter morning, i do appreciate it. so -- >> -- to you, jason. and happy easter to you and everyone. jason: thank you, thank you. look, i don't think anybody if doubts or challenges the idea and the notion that the bridge needs to be rebuilt and done as a fast as possible. it's part of our critical infrastructure, shipping, commerce. s it is critical. but you're on the budget committee, you're on energy ask and commerce. the president's teeing this up as if there needs to be a new supplemental or a new round of spending. what's your take on that? >> first of all, or jason, what happened in baltimore's truly a tragedy. and, yes, our country needs to get this port going as soon as possible. we understand that more so than
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most people. i represent the entire coast of georgia. we have two major seaports here. number three port in the country in brunswick, second only to baltimore. so so both of those ports are important. we understand the importance of it. yet it needs to be the fixed -- yes, it needs to be fixed immediately. there's no question about that. it's going to be a big impact on our economy. however, when we get into this, we need to look at a number of different things. first of all, what's the responsibility of the shipping company? what's the responsibility of the insurance company? and what about funds that are already out there, marley in the infrastructure bill. can they be diverted and used for this instead of using new money. i'm on the budget committee and i'll tell you it's situations like this why we should be fiscally responsible. emergency situations where we are going to need money, that's why we should be fiscally responsible. jason: yeah.
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i've never understood this, you know? disasters happen, unfortunately. there are tornadoes, there are hurricanes. you feel that there in the state of georgia and florida and everywhere else. they happen. disasters happen. but why they aren't budgeted for in advance or why don't we ever have a discussion about a nation to say, oh, my goodness, this horrific thing happened. instead of doing, and, we're going to have to take this over here and spend money here. that's what any business or any family would do. instead, the president, the democrats instantly say, well, we need more money. >> that's exactly right. and that's what we've got to start doing. we did it when i was in the georgia state legislature. we had a mid-year readjustment, if you would, to look and see what we need to shift around in our budget. and we need to be doing that in the federal budget as well. but you're right, the idea in the federal budge is if you need something, you just go and get new funds.
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well, we need to end that. not to mention the fact that this is the executive branch, again, making financial decisions that should be up to the legislative branch. whether you're a republican or a democrat, that should concern you. the power of the executive branch has superseded that of the legislative branch when it comes to spending over the past few decades. that's something we need to claw back to the legislative branch in congress. quays jace well, there was -- jason: well, there was $1.2 trillion that went out the door in a bipartisan way. people touted the infrastructure bill with. it just seems to me that baltimore should go to the top of the food chain and save, yeah, we're going to have to spend some money there. but there's $110 billion that's set aside e over there the for these types of things, and the idea that you have to get more money, we've kind of exhausted that. i've got to move on. the administration is also now saying that they want to get rid
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of diesel-fueled trucks. how's that going to play in georgia? >> i can assure you in south georgia, bubba ain't going to be happy. there's no question about that. we love our trucks here in south georgia. and, you know, this is the another example of the biden administration's war on fossil fuels. and day one the biden administration declared war on fossil fuels. and now this is a more rush to green. look, evs are great, and they're going to -- there's going to be a market for evs. and when evs are out there, ten people have a choice for that -- then people have a choice for that, that's good. but the real win is when we have consumer choice. when consumers have the choice. when this is market-driven. i've witnessed it. i've been to europe and i've seen where they've allowed their e policies to get ahead of their innovation. it causes problems. that's a lesson we should learn here in america. but it's one that the biden administration has not learned.
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it's one that's to going do come back to -- going to come back to bite us. jason: yeah. i do think it's an issue of choice, it's an issue of freedom. it's also about innovation and making sure that we've got the very best products. an all of the above energy portfolio that makes the united states in the strongest position possible. but this administration seems just hell bent on saying, no, i'm sorry, but you know what? we're just going to get rid of anything that has a combustible motor in it. and that's going to be devastating not just in michigan and is wisconsin and georgia and other parts around the country, but for our entire economy. and they're getting rid of so many other things whether it be stoves or lightbulbs or, you know, whatever it might be, they don't want you to be able to make that choice, congressman. >> that's exactly right. jason, you served with us in congress and you understand. when the government chooses winners and losers, it never
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works. it has to be market-driven. evs are going to do great. there's going to be a market for evs. i'm very blessed in the first district that the i have the honor and privilege of representing that we're getting the single largest economic development project in the history of our state, an ev manufacturing plant. we're excited about a it. they're going to do great because there's going to be a market for evs. but it needs to be market-driven. it needs to be consumer-driven. consumers need to make this decision. not to have, like, the tailpipe emission rules that a just came out last week where the administration's saying that 67% of all new vehicles have to be evs by 2032. that's not the way that we do this. jason: all right. i want to transition real quickly and get your thoughts on impeachment, the articles coming over from the house on secretary mayorkas going over to the senate. what would you like to see happen there? we've been spending a lot of time on this show and on this network, quite frankly, or
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talking about how insecure the border is based on the choices and the representations that were made. because this administration told us for three years the border was safe, secure and they had operational control and, obviously, that was a lie. that a wasn't true. >> jason, i've been to the border eight times in the ten years that i've been a member of congress. the last time was six weeks ago. it is in as bad with of shape now as i've ever seen it. i learned some new things. first of all, there are now more non-mexican coming ago -- across that border. and most concerning to me, as you know, i'm a pharmacist, border patrol agents tell us that the street price of fentanyl has plummeted. plummeted, gone from, like, $10 a tablet to 25 cents a tablet which tells you simple economics that the supply is so high now in america that the demand is not keeping up with it and the price has gob down. gone down. that is concerning. 200 people every day dying as a result of fentanyl poisoning.
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that's one of the main reasons why we have to secure that border. of it's killing our people. jason: well, with the impeachment inquiry going over to the united states senate, there is an opportunity for the senate to deal with this, and they should deal with it appropriately. there's no executive orders to reverse the issues that are moving forward, but congressman buddy carter, thank you so much for joining us. he is one of the only, i believe the only pharmacist in the united states congress, and thank you for your service. happy easter to you. >> thank you, jason. yeas yeahs all right. coming up next, house republicans are calling on president biden to testify as questions mount over his interactions with business associates of his son hunter and his brother james. breitbart news political politics editor emma-jo morris is here on the case. could the biden family ties influence the decision making of president biden?
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maria: chairman james comer potentially inviting president biden to testify publiclien on the family's business schemes. he wants this the testimony on april 16th. in a letter comer says impeachment investigators have accounted for $24 million from if foreign sources that was sent to either joe biden directly, his family or their business associates. congressman, has your committee heard back from the white house in terms of whether or not joe biden will answer a questions on this influence peddling? >> we're talking about with fictitious names like robert l. peters or robin we're that allege --ware. the national archives has these mails. the oversight committee needs to see these mails so we can finish our investigation. jason: florida congressman bye. ron donalds on "mornings with
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maria" last friday after house oversight e chairman james comer invited president biden to an in'em people hearing. house republicans want to question bind about his claims that he did not interact with his brother james or his son hunter's business partner ifs immediately after and while he was vice president. another question for president biden, why did former fbi director louis freeh evidently, reportedly, give $100,000 to joe biden's grandchildren? and then speak with and want to speak with the vice president about potential lucrative options with hunter being in the middle? if let's bring in breitbart news political editor emma-jo morris. emma-jo are, thanks so much for joining us. i mean, this story, there's so many elements to it. what really rises to the top of what you think this impeachment inquiry should be pursuing? >> well, obviously there's a lot
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of moving parts to this. first of all, thank you so much for having me and happy easter. but, yeah, there's a lot going on here. so the first thing is whether joe biden was involved in the family business, and the second thing is whether he was taking money from the family business. i happen to think, actually, that the second thing that i mentioned is tail less important because it doesn't are is to be -- there's no rule that says he has to be directly taking money, a although that would be with relevant and important to know. but the fact that his e son and his e brother were living off of salaries paid for by the chinese. communist party and ukrainian oligarchs while he was in office are obviously troubling enough to, you know, warrant perhaps impeachment, to definitely be considered corruption. so the thing about the bidens though is that they really operate within, like, the really bleeding edge of what's legal. and they're very good at that. they sit downing basically, and look at the law and see what they can get away with and maybe
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a little bit more many. but, you know, you don't have to have a direct handshake and money transfer between xi jinping and discover biden for this to mean anything. that's absolutely absurd. and i think that's what the republicans and the nation are really beginning to realize, this is a broader picture. jason: well, as peter schweizer in the book "blood money "points out, chairman ji who struck this deal that ended up in the biden's bank accounts as well as a 3-carat, $80,000 diamond, he was associated and in business deals with a guy named whitewolf, one of the most notorious drug criminals out there. but somehow, some way on this sanctions list there in china, guess what? they aren't part of the sanctions list. and yet they're one of, some of the most notorious with, at least white wolf is, one of the most notorious drug criminals on
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the face of the planet if. >> yes. and you don't even have to go that far. peter schweizer is remarkable in what he can find. he's scary if you're in government, that's for sure. but even what was on the laptop from hell, right? the cefc deal, 10% for the big guy? cefc, for those who aren't familiar, is a chinese energy company totally linked with the one belt, one road, totally linked with the chinese communist party. of these people are trying to displace us us as the world hegemon, trying to overtake our economy. i don't think that it's kosher to have even a family member on the payroll of neems. obviously, of these people. obviously, blood is thicker than water and blood is going to be your primary loyalty. jason: right. well, go ahead and explain, president biden, why $100,000 earthly ended up in the grandkids' -- evidently ended up in the grand kids' account, and if what was that for? that hasn't been fully
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exploredded. we've got more to talk about with you, breitbart political politics editor emma-jo morris. stay with us, we're going to continue this discussion. ♪ ♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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jason: and we're back with breitbart politics editor emma-jo morris. emma if-jo, i've got a question, or you know, the daily mail and the new york post had an article a couple years ago where, evidently, hunter biden was going to accompany joe biden on a trip to mexico to try to seal some deals. but they brought jeff cooper, hunter biden's business partner, on air force two. at least that was the plan. so is, okay, joe biden, you weren't planning to do anything to help your son in his business. why at taxpayer expense did jeff cooper, evidently according to the articles, why was he going to go on air force two to mexico? what other big questions do you have? because that's right near the top of my list. >> yeah. that was one of the more sloppily incidents, but there are tons of those. that's part of why come orer wants joe biden to come speak to congress -- comer. listen, i'm not hopeful that that will actually happen, you know? the white house spokesman, ian sames, replied, lol, the that
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invitation. so we'll see. there's obviously fingerprints everywhere. you know, comer listed out a few which were, you know, obviously multiple instances of joe biden getting on the phone with hunter biden's business associates, you know? his chinese ones, for instance, his russian ones, for instance, which, again, there's tons of documentation showing that he accepted money from these people and then joe biden's e getting on the phone with them, but he never knew about his son's business, right? jason: so is -- >> and there's obviously the money that went into joe biden's account directly linked to the business, that $40,000 that went into joe biden's account from his brother. he claims it was a loan, but his bookkeeper a says there were no the records of loans to his brother. so this is a lot of these contradictions that show joe biden was all over the place in this. jason: look, in order for chairman comer to do his job -- a job i once had -- you have to have the documents. and why the national archives
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continues to hold the e-mails and text messages of vice president biden, these are records that comer should be able to see. they coughed up some of them, but joe biden was using fake names, fake e-mail addresses. he basically was lying about who he was in the white house. they have those documents, but they refuse to give 100 president of those -- 100% of those to chairman comer e. >> right, that's right. and this is, by the way, happening on a split screen while peter navarro right now is sitting in prison. and, you know, peter has said that the reason why he was refusing to comply with congress was because of executive privilege, because of the rights of confidentiality inside the white house. and now, you know, the national archives seems to be kind of trying to say the same thing but but somehow there's no accountability for that, there's no equal justice or equal doling out of punishment, let's say, on that. so that's interesting. jason: yeah. well, why they don't continue to
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issue those documents and try to get those, we still have a lot, lot more to learn. you've not to be able to get the documents, got to be able to have subpoenas that are complied with. you have to be able to be able to have people show up at your hearings finish. >> in an ideal world. quest jace they don't show up at the hearings -- well, again, this is why it works differently for democrats than it does for republicans, and that's just the naked truth of it. emma-jo morris, breitbart news, really do appreciate you joining us on this easter morning. are really do appreciate it. well, that does it for this "sunday morning futures." i'm to jason chaffetz in for maria. i really appreciate her allowing me to do this. may god bless this country, and may god bless that family who's dealing with, in new york. i -- the officer and their family, my heart goes out to them. i can't believe that they have to go through that. hope you have a wonderful weekend. i hope you're able to check out my latest best selling book,
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it's called "the puppeteers: the people who control the people who control america. " have a great easter sunday, everyone. ♪ ♪ to this very day.
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